Recent News: CHARLOTTE, N.C., June 23 /PRNewswire/ -- VR Mergers & Acquisitions Charlotte has just completed the sales transaction of SANDirect, a global company specializing in enterprise data warehousing solutions, with its corporate headquarters located in Charlotte, NC. Jim Stikeleather and Thomas Schiffers combined their industry experience and started SANDirect in 1994, building an impressive hardware and software data storage solutions company with an outstanding reputation for product and solutions expertise. Experienced engineers with knowledge in a wide range of technology areas, including HDS, EMC, Oracle, Cisco, Veritas, Brocade, Microsoft, HP, and Sun Microsystems, helped the company earn its reputation as an industry leader in high availability data storage solutions.
The new owner of SANDirect is Robert Lennon, a former CFO for the European division of a global telecom company. Lennon brings years of extensive financial and strategic planning experience along with international business knowledge to SANDirect. He plans to grow the business domestically through new channel development and distribution efficiencies, while continuing expansion abroad with a focus in Europe and Asia/Pac which remains untapped. He will continue to operate under the SANDirect name with it's existing staff and operations.
Jay Offerdahl, Vice President of VR Charlotte and Greg White, Professional Business Intermediary at VR Charlotte assisted in the transaction. Details were not disclosed.